QUIC.cloud CDN Performance
Measured by third-party CDN test tools
Average Ping Latency:
USA, EU and OCEANIA < 10ms
Average Page Fetching (TTFB) Performance:
USA, EU and OCEANIA < 250ms
Lightning Fast Performance
How does QUIC.cloud stack up against the competition?
QUIC.cloud’s network is fast, with an average of less than 10ms of latency in our North American, European, and Oceanian regions!
Compare QUIC.cloud’s performance to other CDNs, with an average transmission speed of less than 243ms in those same regions.
These measured results are from third-party cdnperf.com and uptrends.com CDN performance testing tools.
Compare Your CDN Performance to QUIC.cloud
Measure ping latency
To measure ping latency, we used the tool at cdnperf.com and we measured lscache.io, a site that is using QUIC.cloud CDN.
Enter your site’s URL and then choose the region you wish to test. The results will be presented in both a map and a table, listing the latency measured throughout your chosen region. Average these figures together (add up all of the results, then divide by the number of tests) to get your CDN’s average ping latency for the region.
Measure average page fetching performance
We used the uptrends.com tool to measure average page fetching performance for lscache.io.
Enter your domain, choose your preferred region, and start the test. You’ll be provided with a list of results from checkpoints within the chosen region.
Average these results together to get your domain’s average page fetching performance for the region.
How does your CDN’s performance compare to QUIC.cloud?
Try QUIC.cloud Now
and feel the difference