How does Auto Redirect www/non-www work?

Auto Redirect www/non-www speeds up response time by caching redirect requests. Here’s how it works: The browser sends a request for to CDN. sends the request to your origin server. The origin server returns a response, indicating that the request was redirected to (the non-www domain). returns this … Read more

What happens if I have a non-WordPress site at the same domain?

The simplest answer is that “it’s complicated.” Having multiple web apps at the same domain may or may not be problematic. Because the whole domain must be pointed to, the WordPress site will be fine, but any others at that domain could potentially experience caching issues, especially if they are running other web apps … Read more

What should I do if the IP list changes?

You will need to make sure the IPs in your firewall’s allowlist are up to date. If you are running LiteSpeed Web Server v5.4.12 or newer, this will be handled automatically. The same goes for Imunify360 and Bitninja. Automation through other means will be added in the future, but until then, if your security … Read more

What’s the difference between QUIC and HTTP/3?

QUIC was originally a Google effort to improve HTTP/2 by transporting it encrypted over UDP (as opposed to TCP). In 2016, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) began working to standardize the protocol. Part of that process involved splitting QUIC into the transport and application protocols. For some time, the application protocol was referred to … Read more

Does the LiteSpeed Cache crawler also crawl CDN?

Yes. The crawler included in the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin will populate the cache at the origin server (but only if it is a LiteSpeed server), and also the cache at the PoP closest to the origin server. Under the current CDN cache policy, pages are stored at a PoP for 24 hours … Read more

Can I purge the CDN’s cache?

Yes, however this should not be necessary under normal circumstances. The CDN cache is managed by the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for WordPress, and is sophisticated enough to know when content has changed and requires purging. That said, if you wish to purge the CDN cache manually, visit your Dashboard, and press the Purge All … Read more

Can I bypass the CDN?

Yes, you can easily bypass the CDN if you need to. In your dashboard, navigate to the domain you want to bypass, click on the CDN tab, then select CDN Config in the left hand menu. Toggle Bypass CDN to ON.

What content does CDN cache?

By default, caches your site’s dynamically generated pages. This cache is controlled via the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for WordPress. can also cache your site’s static content. Be sure to set Static Cache to ON in your Dashboard‘s CDN Config area.