Do you plan to add more POPs in the future?

Absolutely. We are always looking to expand and improve our network. If you have specific requests for PoP locations, feel free to join our Slack Community and post your ideas in the #quic_cloud_cdn channel

Is there a list of current PoP IP addresses?

Yes. We maintain an IP list. You can use this list to populate your firewall’s allowlist, as some firewalls may block CDN IPs. This list is subject to change at any time without notice.

What is a PoP?

PoP stands for “Points of Presence.” A PoP is a location, referenced by IP address, where we have a CDN node. Our PoPs are located around the world. See the CDN Global Coverage Map for more information.

Does CDN offer any Anti-DDoS features?

Yes. Under the Standard Plan, the dashboard allows you to enable and configure a wide array of security measures including: reCAPTCHA WordPress Brute Force Defense XML-RPC restrictions WordPress-specific security measures Customizable allow and block lists for access control. While basic security measures are included with the Free Plan, these features are always enabled and … Read more

What web servers are compatible with CDN?

All of them! CDN acts as a reverse proxy content delivery network. It does not take the place of a web server, so your site must have its own. You can use any web server software. LiteSpeed Web Server, Apache, Nginx, OpenLiteSpeed, and others are all compatible with The LiteSpeed Cache plugin for … Read more

How does using CDN speed up my site? uses servers around the world to reduce the physical distance requests must travel. Additionally, can cache dynamic content at the CDN level, unlike other CDNs which must retrieve all dynamic requests from the origin server. CDN-level caching not only improves’s overall bandwidth speed, but it also minimizes the number of requests to … Read more